Compare the similarities and differences of sexual attitudes and behaviors in each culture. Application: Sexual Behavior

Compare the similarities and differences of sexual attitudes and behaviors in each culture.
Application: Sexual Behavior

Gender and sexuality are intertwined in many cultures. (Gardiner & Kosmitzki, 2011) Socialization agents teach the appropriate behaviors for gender and the acceptable sexual attitudes and behaviors within a culture. Cultural differences exist around the world and across countries. For example, cultural differences may exist through the number of partners allowed in a marriage, expectations for males and females, and knowledge and application of safe sex practices. Differences may also arise in what is permitted and acceptable, such as premarital sex, same-sex relationships, and extramarital relationships. The consequences for an individual deviating from these cultural expectations also vary from culture to culture.

For this Assignment, choose one sexual attitude (e.g., abstinence, monogamy, etc.) and one sexual behavior (e.g., chastity, infidelity, etc.).

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The Assignment (4 pages)

Use your Final Project culture of interest ( TURKISH CULTURE )and select another culture of interest to you.
Compare the similarities and differences of sexual attitudes and behaviors in each culture.
Describe the cultural factors that influence sexual attitudes and behaviors.
Explain how sexual attitudes and behaviors are perceived and displayed within each culture.
Be specific and provide examples.
Support your responses using the Learning Resources and the current literature.Article: Afable-Munsuz, A., & Brindis, C. D. (2006). Acculturation and the sexual and reproductive health of Latino youth in the United States: A literature review. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 38(4), 208–219. Article: Aubrey, J. S., & Harrison, K. (2004). The gender-role content of children’s favorite television programs and its links to their gender-related perceptions. Media Psychology, 6(2), 111–146. Article: Crouter, A. C., Manke, B. A., & McHale, S. M. (1995). The family context of gender intensification in early adolescence. Child Development, 66(2), 317–329. Article: Echávarri, R. A., & Ezcurra, R. (2010). Education and gender bias in the sex ratio at birth: Evidence from India. Demography, 47(1), 249–268. Article: Ghule, M., Balaiah, D., & Joshi, B. (2007). Attitude towards premarital sex among rural college youth in Maharashtra, India. Sexuality & Culture, 11(4), 1–17. Article: Lancaster, G., Maitra, P., & Ray, R. (2008). Household expenditure patterns and gender bias: Evidence from selected Indian states. Oxford Development Studies, 36(2), 133–157.Article: Miyajima, T. (2008). Gender inequality among Japanese high school teachers: Women teachers’ resistance to gender bias in occupational culture. Journal of Education for Teaching, 34(4), 319–332. Article: Mohammadi, M. R., Mohammad K., Farahani, F. K., Alikhani, S., Zare, M., Tehrani, F.R.,…Alaeddini, F. (2006). Reproductive knowledge, attitudes and behavior among adolescent males in Tehran, Iran. International Family Planning Perspectives, 32(1), 35–44. Article: Para-Mallam, F. J., & Funmi, J. (2010). Promoting gender equality in the context of Nigerian cultural and religious expression: Beyond increasing female access to education. Compare: A Journal of Comparative & International Education, 40(4), 459–477. Article: Sadker, D. (1999). Gender equity: Still knocking at the classroom door. Educational Leadership, 56(7), 22–26.



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