Criminology: Anti Spanking Laws

Criminology: Anti Spanking Laws

I want my paper to be about the creation of an anti spanking law in the USA. It has to have an introduction which must have a thesis statement and you should mention a theory that support the thesis statement. Also, you should mention the methodology that I will use which is a survey. Additionally, it has to have a methodology part where you are going to define what is a survey and explain in detail who will be your sample population. Also, you should include example of the questions that will be asked on the survey. Moreover, there will be a theory part where you are going to define a theory that support the thesis statement and using your own words you should say how that theory support your thesis. Also, it should have a finding part where you are going to include things in the journals that support the thesis statement.

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The paper should have 3 Journal as the sources, it has to be 5 pages including the references.

It has to be APA style.

The theories that you can use are listed here:

You can talk about, positivist theory, theory of born criminal, sociological determinism theory, trait theory, psychoanalytic theory, moral development theory, social learning theory, conditioning theory, social control theory, bond theory.

The writing assignment should be in proper left align paragraph format.  The body of the text should be double spaced using a 10 or 12 font size with 1” borders. To guarantee the assignments do not accumulate late points they must be turned in on or before the beginning of the class period of the assigned due date.  If you send the assignments as an E-mail attachment, make sure your file is sent as a MS Word or Rich Text Format (rtf) document or I may not be able to open it—which is the same as not receiving it.  Remember,t here is a loss of 5 points per each day the assignment is late (see syllabus).

The Research Process Explored:

  • Abstract-
  • Introduction (thesis Statement)-
  • Methodology: Analyzing secondary data(your research sources) is what we are doing for this assignment-
  • Theory
  • Methodology (primary data collection not conducted but explored)
  • Findings and Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • References

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