
There are three parts to this assignment. This assignment is worth 80 points.

To Submit: Click on title above and upload your word document for the group. One paper per group. Only the last attempt submitted by the group is graded.

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The purpose of this assignment is to review historic events in the Rio Grande Valley or those that affected the lives of those living in the RGV. This assignment aligns with the course learning objectives to:

Identify and explain the historical and contemporary lived experience of Mexican Americans
Develop supported discussions about the different aspects of race/ethnic identity within the Mexican American experience
Develop critical thinking and writing skills that facilitate future research.


You will complete part 1 -3 of the assignment on a word document. Then, your group is to submit the word document to the “Assignment 3: Submit Here” link. Please note, the last attempt will be the only submitted paper graded. Only 1 group member should be uploading the word document.


Review Instructions.
Complete the assignment on a Word document.
Click on the link above “Assignment 3 Submit Here.”
Upload word document.
Click Submit.

Part 1:ASA Citation Formatting. (Worth 20 points: 4 points each)

I will provide you with 5 titles (below rubric), a part of the author’s name, and the year it was published. You will then have to obtain the rest of the information by completing a UTRGV library database search or a Google search, and complete a reference citation for the written piece in ASA format. ASA stands for American Sociological Association. This is the citation format sociologists use. Keep in mind, it is important to cite all of your information. There are different editions. For this assignment we are looking at the 5th edition.

The style guide link is: Purdue Website.

For example your textbook as an ASA style guide 5th edition is:

Foley, Neil. 2014. Mexicans in the Making of America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Part 1: in the homework should be in alphabetical order (by last names) like a reference page with all 5 citations correctly completed. Make sure to review list of authors and full title with subtitle. Keep in mind, part 1 is only a practice of how to complete an ASA reference citation. You take the information provided and complete the ASA reference citation based on the Purdue website. Then you place all 5 in alphabetical order based on the last name. This is the only thing you will do with these 5 references. You do NOT have to read these 5 sources.

***4 points: Citations were correctly completed in ASA format (5th edition).

Information for all 5 citations:

Year: 2006; Author: Ian Haney-Lopez; Title: White by law
Year: 2006; Author: Bonilla-Silva ; Title: Racism without Racists
Year: 2004; Author: Clara Rodriguez; Title: Heroes, Lovers, and Others
Year: 2007; Author: Spickard; Title: Is Lighter Better? Skin-Tone Discrimination
Year:1990 ; Author: Mary Waters; Title: Ethnic Options

Part 2: Worth 19 points

Read the following article and answer the following questions:

Montejano, David. 1990. “The Leaking Cast System.” Pp. 13-29 in Quixote’s Soldiers: A Local History of The Chicano Movement 1966-1981. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

ASA In-text Citation explanation:

Note on citations, use the ASA style format: In-text citation should have: (Author’s last name yr published:page number).

Example: “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog” (Elephant 2007:7).

Keep in mind, Questions 1-3 worth 6 points each. Question 4 is worth 1 point.
Questions 1-3, answers should include 1-3 below, be in complete sentences, and include in-text citation in ASA format as outlined above.

the answer in your own words,
a quote from the text ( in-text citation from article), and
an explanation of how the quote reflects the student’s response.


0 points: Did not answer the question(s)
6 points: Answered all of the question(s) with a-c identified below and in complete sentences. Also successfully completed in-text citation.

For question 4: Worth 1 point


0 points: no answer
1 point: Answered the question in complete sentences.

Each answer should be at minimum 3 sentences long and at most 6 sentences long. Students are to include the provided questions in the assignment and answer below each.

(6 pts) The main purpose of the article is _____ (State as accurately as possible the author’s purpose for writing this article).
(6 pts) The key question that the author is addressing is____ (Figure out the key question in the mind of the author when they wrote the article).
(6 pts) The main inference/conclusion in this article is_____(Identify the key conclusion the author comes to and presents in the article).
(2 pt) Who participated and who did not?
Part 3: The start of the Final Group Project: Worth 41 points

Instructions: You and your group will be selecting their final group project topic. Select 1 of the following 6 events. Once your group has selected their event, your group is to identify 10 items to review. They can be a combination of these: journal articles, newspaper articles, videos, interviews, and/or books. Once you have found these items, you will need to provide a reference page using the ASA citation format in part 1.

A. (Worth 1 point) Event list to choose from:


0 points: No event was selected.
1 point: Event was selected and identified.

Massacre of 1915- La Matanza by Texas Rangers
Edcouch Elsa Walkout-1968
Helena Chemical Plant in Mission, Texas- agent orange
Juan Crow Laws
Castaneda v. Pickard
Donna Lake (toxic water)

B: ( Worth 40 points) ASA format Reference page of 10 items to review for your selected event. Each of these items will need to follow the appropriate ASA format. For example, journal articles, books, videos, and websites all have distinct ways to be cited. You will need to review the different pages within the Purdue Website link (in part 1) to find the one that fits your item.


0 points: No citations were completed.
2 point: Citations were attempted in ASA format, but did not complete it correctly.
4 points: Citations were correctly completed in ASA format (5th edition).

Keep in mind, these items are the start to your literature review. You will find other items and possibly remove some of the ones you first selected after you have reviewed the material. This is okay, it is part of the process. This list is just the beginning. I would recommend students continue to expand these reference materials in the next three weeks to be prepared for the last part of the group final project.

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